Friday, October 29, 2010

S07E01 - With You I`m Born Again -
Every cell in the human body regenerates, on average every seven years.
Like snakes.In our own way,we shed our skin.
Biologically, we're brand-new people.
We may look the same. We probably do.

The change isn't visible...
At least not in most of us.

But we're all changed.Completely...Forever. - dr. Meredith Grey -

Music featured :
When we say things like, "people don't change,"
it drives scientists crazy,
because change is literally the only constant in all of science.

It's always changing...
It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural...
the way we cling to what things wereinstead of letting them be what they are

The way we cling to old memories
instead of forming new ones...

The way we insist on believing despite every scientific indication...
That anything in this lifetime is permanent.
Change is constant.How we experience change...That's up to us.
It can feel like death...or it can feel like a second chance at life.

If we open our fingers,loosen our grips
go with it...It can feel like pure adrenaline...

Like at any moment...
We can have another chance at life...
like at any moment...
We can be born all over again. - dr. Meredith Grey -

S07E02 - Shock to the System -
They say lightning never strikes twice,
but that's a myth. It doesn't happen often.
Lightning usually gets it right the first time.

When you're hit with 30 amps of electricity you feel it.
It can make you forget who you are,
can burn you, blind you,
stop your heart and cause massive internal injuries.

It can change your life forever. - dr. Meredith Grey -

Music Featured :
Lightning doesn’t often strike twice.It’s a once in a lifetime thing.
Even if it feels like the shock is coming over and over again.
Eventually the pain will go away,
the shock will wear off.

And you start to heal yourself.
To recover from something you never saw coming.
But, sometimes the odds are in your favor.
If you’re in just the right place at just the right time you can take a helluva hit.
And still have a shot at surviving. - dr. Meredith Grey -

S07E03 - Superfreak -
Nobody chooses to be a freak.
Most people don't even realize they're a freak,
until it's way too late to change it. - dr. Meredith Grey -

Music Featured :
No matter how much of a freak we end up being,
chances are there's still someone out there for you.
unless they've already moved on,

because when it comes to love
even freaks cant wait forever. - dr. Meredith Grey -

S07E04 - Can't Fight Biology -
Biology says that we are who we are from birth, that our D.N.A. Is set in stone, unchangeable.
Our D.N.A doesn’t account for all of us, though.
We’re human. Life changes us.
We develop new traits.Become less territorial.
We stop competing. We learn from our mistakes.
We face our greatest fears. For better or worse, we find ways to become more than our biology.
The risk, of course..Is that we can change too much to the point, we don’t recognize ourselves?.
Finding our way back can be difficult.
There’s no compass, no map.

We just have to close our eyes,
take a step,
and hope to God we’ll get there. - dr. Meredith Grey -

Music Featured :

S07E05 - Almost Grown -
They train doctors slowly.
They watch us practice
on frogs...

And pigs, and dead people,And then live people.

They drill us relentlessly.They raise us like children.
And eventually, they take
a cold, hard boot,
And they kick us out
of the nest. - dr. Meredith Grey -

Music Featured :
We all want to grow up.
We're desperate to get there,
To grab all the opportunities
we can...

To live.
We're so busy trying
to get out of that nest...

We don't think about the fact
That it's going to be cold out there...
Really freakin' cold.

Because growing up sometimes means leaving people behind.
And by the time we stand on our own two feet...

We're standing there alone. - dr. Meredith Grey -


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